Threat Intelligence and Other Contemplations…

Tag: socialmedia

  • Em🤔ji Intel: Spotting Mass-Generated Messages

    Ever gotten one of these messages? “Hi YOUR NAME HERE, Your strong background and experience caught my eye and I wanted to connect. I’m partnering with a hiring team at COOLEST COMPANY EVER looking for a Threat Services Vulnerability Analyst… blah, blah, blah… Thank you for your time! GENERIC NAME Recruiter at BEST RECRUITING COMPANY…


  • Let’s Talk TikTok

    TikTok has been making the news a lot lately with States like Montana electing for an all out ban of the popular social media platform. If you are not already familiar with the various arguments for or against, well, here’s the quick and dirty run down. For Banning TikTok:– Bad for the kiddos– National security…
