Threat Intelligence and Other Contemplations…

Category: Events

CTF games, quizzes, challenges, etc.

  • Hunting the Predator

    In today’s article, we want to shine a spotlight on an extraordinary #osintforgood non-profit founded by Jeff Tiegs, known as Skull Games. Skull Games won OSMOSISCON Non-Profit of the Year for 2023. Their mission is to harness the power of open-source intelligence (OSINT) in the battle against sex trafficking in the United States. Their latest…


  • Move Over, MOVEit, for Open-Source

    PrefaceReaders of my blog will know that I typically maintain a pretty casual tone. This post was originally written for an academic setting, so hang with me if you find yourself slogging through a bit denser material this time. AbstractThe MOVEit transfer campaign, orchestrated by the CL0P ransomware gang, targeted a wide range of victims,…


  • Mal de Debarquement Syndrome

    Mal de Debarquement syndrome; French term for “sickness of disembarkment” and describes the feeling a sailor might have after receiving their sea legs and returning to shore. You know your back on stable ground, but the world still feels like it’s swaying from side-to-side. It’s a good metaphor for the experience of emerging from crawling…


  • Hunting the Cryptic Spectre

    With the continual growth in capture the flag style events, Hacktoria recently launched the CTF Engineer Academy in order to recruit more like-minded individuals to meet the demand. On 24 April 2023, we welcomed the first contract created by the newly minted title, Hacktoria CTF Engineer. If you are looking for a nice little Cyber…


  • Searching for Someone?

    “It’s all about people,” a pastor once repeated over and over in a multipart series on the Sermon on the Mount. In cybersecurity, we sometimes lose sight of this amid all the cool gadgets and gizmos. Although the other things we do are important, we must always remember why we do them. For me, the…


  • Taking on the Drug Lords

    The Cartel Connection, which provided a photo to identify Diego’s last known location…
